The Better Show

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Better LinkedIn

In the 1990s, Head & Shoulders shampoo was famous for their motto: “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Back then, a first impression was largely something established during a face-to-face encounter. Fast forward to the 21st century and a prospective employer is more likely to get their first impression of you from an online profile than from a first handshake* which is why it’s so important to consider how you are presenting yourself professionally.

On this episode we discuss one of the most important professional social networks, LinkedIn. We discuss a number of ways to use LinkedIn to advance your career and we explore the importance of your profile in making a first impression on others in your field (including prospective employers). We also share tips on how you can easily give your own LinkedIn profile a “tune-up” so that you present yourself in the best possible light to others in your professional network.